Friday, July 31, 2015

Facebook is upping its security with this new feature

It just takes three simple steps

A lot of us get a little lazy when it comes to online security. We use sketchy websites, leave ourselves logged into accounts on friends’ phones, and don’t diversify our passwords. Facebook is trying to make things a bit easier for us with their new Security Checkup feature.
Facebook accounts will be notified of this tool sometime over the next few weeks. You’ll notice a reminder at the top of your News Feed entitled “Stay Secure on Facebook.” Click the button that says “Get Started” and enhance your security in three simple steps.
First, it’ll show you a full list of all the browsers on which you’ve logged into your account, showing checked boxes next to each one. Simply unchecking a browser logs you out of one that you may not even remember logging into in the first place.
The second step allows you to turn on login alerts. This feature alerts you whenever someone attempts to log into your account from anywhere else.
The third and last step gives you some advice on how to strengthen your password. You may have heard all this before and chosen to ignore it, but here it is once more: don’t use the same password for different accounts; don’t share your password with anyone; don’t use your name or common words.
If you’re eager to up your security and don’t want to wait patiently for the notification, you can start your Security Checkup here.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Some of the Benefits and Drawbacks of Using Computers!

Today, the computers are utilized as a part of each field and have filled our heart with joy, as we can complete the day to day assignments very easily, yet there are a few focal points and weaknesses of using computers.
Points of interest of Computer
• PC has had an extremely key effect on society. It has changed our lifestyle. The utilization of PC innovation has influenced each and every field of our lives.
• Individuals are utilizing computers to perform distinctive undertakings rapidly and effortlessly. The utilization of PCs makes distinctive errand less demanding.
• It likewise spares time and exertion and lessens the general expense to finish a specific undertaking.
• Numerous associations are utilizing PCs for keeping up the records of their clients. Banks are utilizing PCs for keeping up records and overseeing budgetary exchanges.
• The banks are additionally providing online banking facilities to their customers. So that the clients can check their record equalization from utilizing the web. They can likewise make a monetary exchange on the web. The exchanges are taken care of effortlessly and rapidly with mechanized frameworks.
• Individuals are utilizing PCs for paying their bills, dealing with their home spending plans or just having some break and watching a film, listening to tunes or playing PC recreations.
• Online administrations like Skype or social networking sites are utilized for correspondence and data sharing purposes.
• PC can be utilized as an incredible instructive device. Understudies can have entry to all kinds of data on the web.
• Additionally, the PC is being utilized as a part of each field of life, for example, medicine, business, industry, carrier and climate estimating.
Some of the drawbacks of using computers
The utilization of PC has likewise made a few issues in the public arena, which are as per the following.
• Unemployment: Diverse undertakings are performed naturally by utilizing PCs. It diminishes the need of individuals and builds unemployment in the public arena.
• Wastage of time and vitality: Numerous individuals use PCs without positive reason. They play recreations and visit for a drawn out stretch of time. It causes wastage of time and vitality. Youthful era is currently investing more energy in the online networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and so on or messaging their companions throughout the night through cell phones which is terrible for both studies and their well being.
• Information Security: unauthorized people can access the data stored on your computers, which has created difficult issues for the information security.
• PC Crimes: Individuals utilize the PC for negative purposes. They hack the bank accounts, credit card details, etc. of the individuals and misuse them or they can take the essential information from huge associations too.
But still people are driving crazy for computers.


If there’s one thing that never changes in the social media world, it’s that change is inevitable.
New sites appear faster than popcorn popping in a microwave. Many of them disappear into obscurity just as quickly.
Existing sites try new features and discard those that aren’t working, seeking to evolve into one-stop destinations for members.
This constant change affects how I engage with various social sites, and likely does for you as well.
While I’ve written about the sites that I am active on in the past, I thought it might be interesting to start an annual mid-year tradition of listing sites which I am currently using.
I understand that others’ derive benefit from sites that I haven’t listed here and I think that’s great. We all get to use social in our way, so this is merely a list of sites and apps that I personally find useful. Since most lists are nothing more than someone’s opinion, this list is my opinion.
So let’s get started with the top 8 social sites of 2015.
64x641) Facebook – The 800-pound gorilla maintains its place as my most popular hangout. After going through a period of maxing out my friend limit, I now am directly connected to just over 2000 people as friends, though I suspect there are a number that I don’t really know. I’ve got approximately 9200 people following my feed and my fan page is liked by nearly 39,000 people.
While those fan page numbers are far greater than my personal page, it’s the persona page that gets the greatest engagement. I’ve discovered that content on my fan page gets likes, comments and shares only when I post others’ videos and photos that I find highly entertaining or inspirational. Ironic, isn’t it?
It’s fine, because the most rewarding engagement is from those who I actually have a relationship of some sort with. And for that, no body does it better than Facebook.
64x642) Twitter – When I started with Twitter in 2007, I had no idea what to make of it. Obviously, I caught on and quickly built a following.
I am not a heavy Twitter user, but I do post weekly and I like to others’ content even more often. It’s a great place to post short videos and photos, especially photoquotes (which I am particularly fond of.)
64x643) LinkedIn – The go-to social network for business, the site occasionally gets a little spammy. However, I use it to connect to as many people as possible with the premise that the entire point is to be able to connect with the right person at the right time. Since you never know who knows who, I find the larger my network, the more likely I am to be able to connect with my target.
I also have no problem paying the monthly fee for a premium account as I find the InMail feature to be quite valuable. The only connections I don’t approve are from foreign staffing firms (which usually have their entire team sending me connection requests) and those without profile photos. If you aren’t going to show me who you are, you are taking a whole lot of social away from the social network.
64x644) YouTube – The King of online video has been a preferred site for me to upload my videos since 2006. I still upload my videos there. However, it pays to note that Facebook’s native video feature is quickly becoming stronger. The fact that videos autoplay on Facebook provides a great advantage towards the likelihood that a video will be viewed.
Still, YouTube is powerful and I will continue to upload videos there as well.
64x645) Instagram – For as long as I’ve been on Instagram, you’d think I would use it all the time. I don’t. But I do enjoy posting photos from time-to-time, especially if I’ve got a photoquote to share. But I’m not very involved in the social aspect of the app. My loss, I suppose.
6) Meerkat – In the battle for live video streaming apps, I still prefer Meerkat to Periscope. Perhaps it’s the fact that Twitter snubbed Meerkat to build their own service while cutting their competition off from the social graph. Maybe its that I used Meerkat first when it exploded at SXSW in March 2015. Or perhaps it’s just the cute little critter combined with the yellow theme, which happens to be my favorite color.
Whatever the case, when I stream video I find that I get more engagement on Meerkat. I think the primary reason is that Periscope is packed with “drive-by viewers” just checking in to see what’s on but having no clue why they are watching. Meerkat seems to attract a higher-quality audience and they’ve got a cool tool that lets you embed live-streaming on your site. In fact, if you are reading this on my blog you can see it in the right column. I’m betting on Meerkat.
7) Vine – I don’t Vine much. Well, rarely. But I do like the app and turns out I’ve got some followers there. Sometimes I’ll post a video.
8) Klout – They say Klout is dead. They say Klout doesn’t matter. I say they are right… and wrong. The site isn’t dead, but the continued implementation under the new owners is lame. And does your Klout score matter? No, except when it does.
In other words, there are businesses and individuals that still pay attention to the score. If they are paying attention in choosing who to hire, or for some other outcome, it matters. It mattered to me when The Denver Business Journal did a cover story on the top influencers in the state and they based it on Klout score. 
The social sharing tool on the site isn’t bad, but there’s not much reason to spend time on Klout. The perks are usually horrible and there isn’t much else to do there. But as long as they insist on giving me a score that others envy (even if they won’t admit it), I’ll continue to pay attention to what they are up to.
Next up, the eight popular social sites that I am NOT really using. Stay tuned…
Good News for Your Inbox: LinkedIn Cuts Back on Annoying Emails

Has LinkedIn been annoying you lately? Don't worry – the social network is listening to users and making some changes.
On Monday, LinkedIn announced in a blog post that it is making changes to cut back on the frequency of emails it sends users. According to the company, for every 10 emails previously mailed, it has removed four.
The company is cutting down on the emails by sending one weekly digest of invitations to connect, instead of sending an email to notify users of each individual request. It is also now aggregating LinkedIn Groups updates into a single email, instead of sending emails for each update.
LinkedIn says that it recently began implementing these changes, and, so far, the response has been positive – or at least less negative. Apparently, users' complaints have been halved since the new policies were put in place.
This is the second time in a week that LinkedIn has announced a policy change due to user dissatisfaction. On Saturday, LinkedIn's Security Blog released a post saying that, after user complaints, the social network would reintroduce the tool that allowed members to immediately download contacts.
LinkedIn removed the tool to immediately export contacts last Thursday, in an attempt to prevent inappropriate data exporting by third parties. After user backlash, the company said the tool would return for a limited time, until the company finds a new way to make users' data available for download within minutes. 

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

7 Things That Can Make You Look Like a Successful Entrepreneur

7 Things That Can Make You Look Like a Successful Entrepreneur

You feel like you’re going to be successful (someday). You feel powerful (almost). You’re going to make it big (very soon). You’re worth a million bucks (in your mind). You’re famous (just about). All you need is a little bit more time...and it’s all going to come together.
Does this sound like you? Good. This is exactly the kind of attitude that characterizes a successful entrepreneur.
You expect it. You want it. You’re hungry. You’re driven. It’s all there, except for the reality.
The reality will come. But in the meantime, you need to keep up the actions and attitudes that will produce that level of success. How do you look like a successful entrepreneur even if you haven’t quite yet arrived?
Here are seven principles that I’ve learned and seen other aspiring entrepreneurs practice with success.

1. Fake it. You’ll make it.

The popular expression, “Fake it till you make it” works. Why? Because it’s built on real science.
Psychologists have long recognized the correlation between the mind and the body. When we feel a certain way, we act in corresponding ways. The reverse is true. When we act in a certain way, we feel a corresponding emotion.
The most common example is the smile. Smiling isn’t just a response to a happy feeling. The act of smiling can actually make you feel happy.
The same principle is at play in “fake it till you make it.” If you act in a certain way, your feelings, emotions, confidence levels, and overall attitude will gravitate in that direction. The result? Eventually, you make it.

2. Act confident. No matter what.

One of your greatest assets is your confidence. The problem is, it’s hard to project confidence from a mind filled with fear and doubt. Many entrepreneurs and soon-to-be-successful people suffer from a condition known as the imposter syndrome -- a feeling of inferiority and personal misgivings about one’s status or achievement.
In the flighty and fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, the imposter syndrome runs rampant. Even the most successful people experience the impact of self-doubt.
You either can give in to the lying voices in your head that you’re an imposter, or you can project confidence in spite of those naysaying voices.
I suggest confidence. Confidence will cover for you. If you’re still driving a beater car, wearing a cheap suit, or don’t even have your own office space, be confident.

3. Ask people for help.

Smart people know how not smart they are. That’s why the smartest people are often the ones asking for help.
The only reason why I know a thing or two about online marketing is not because I’m smart. It’s because I asked for help.

4. Be selective about who you spend time with.

Entrepreneurs know the value of time. They understand that “spending time” is the equivalent of spending money, except that money is a renewable resource, while time is not.
For this reason, you should be spending time with people who make you better. You shouldn’t be spending your leisure time in places where you’re the smartest guy in the room. You should be spending your time in places where you’re challenged, sharpened, and cultivated.
Successful people spend their time around other successful people. When it comes to investing your time, make smart decisions.

5. Dress the part.

Like it or not, people judge you based on how you’re dressed.
I used to dress like a bum. When I made a few strategic and low-budget changes to my wardrobe, everything changed. My consulting rate more than doubled, I gained valuable new clients, and my business exploded.
Was it all due to my wardrobe? There was obviously luck involved, but the wardrobe did make an impact. I now spend a lot of money on nice clothes, but it doesn’t take an enormous amount to make a difference in how you dress.
It’s not just nice clothes that make an impact. It’s the right clothes. Sylvia Hewlett, one of the leaders in the workplace power and influence niche,explains, “You have to look like you belong to the group, [and] you have to look a little better than the group.”
Being a cut above is about looking a cut above.

6. Take risks.

Good entrepreneurs take risks well. The secret to being a great risk taker is simply to start taking risks. Sounds simple, but it’s true.
Start with smaller risks that don’t have a large downside. Eventually you learn how to calculate how risky a decision may be and from there you can slowly increase the amount of risk you take on.
Take risks with confidence. It looks good on you.

7. Write your own online biography.

If someone wants to know more about you, what are they going to do? They’re going to Google your name. They’re not stalking. They just want to know who you are, what you do and what you’re all about.
You get to shape what they see online and the impact it makes. By intentionally creating and curating your online presence, you can develop an identity that matches who you want to be.
Your profiles on all the major social media sites should be cohesive and compelling. This is your autobiography, and it affects your future. Give it the time and attention it deserves.


Everyone who is successful has faced a time in their when they weren’tso successfulSuccess is preceded by growth and development.
Now is your time to prepare, to work hard and to give it all you’ve got. To become what you’re destined to be, you’ve got to act in corresponding ways.
How do you project success as an entrepreneur? 

25 Quotes About Making Money and Keeping Perspective

Money. It's one of the hardest things to balance (or accumulate) when you're an entrepreneur or small business owner. While you need moneyto keep an entrepreneurial dream alive, you also can't become consumed by it. Too many people lose sight of what they are passionate about amid the ongoing effort to build monetary wealth. To help you get a better grasp on money, I've put together 25 quotes that cover pretty much every big idea surrounding it. Whether it concerns investing or not getting into a business strictly for a payday, the following quotes are definitely ones that you should live by.

Earning it.

1. "Innovation has nothing to do with how many R&D dollars you have. When Apple came up with the Mac, IBM was spending at least 100 times more on R&D. It's not about money. It's about the people you have, how you're led, and how much you get it." - Steve Jobs, Co-founder and CEO Apple.
2. "I mean nobody likes to fail, but the worst thing was I lost my investors’ money and these were people that believed in this young guy that was passionate about this idea… [When you fail,] you start to question, are my ideas really good?" - Nick Woodman, Founder GoPro
3. "Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune." - Jim Rohn, entrepreneur, author, and motivational speaker.
4. "You only have so many hours in a day, let others make the money for you!" - Nick Haase, founder of Loot
5. "The longer you’re not taking action the more money you’re losing." – Carrie Wilkerson, author, speaker and encourager.
6. "Expect the best. Prepare for the worst. Capitalize on what comes." - Zig Ziglar, author, salesman, and motivational speaker.
7. "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison, inventor and businessman.
8. "My formula for success is rise early, work late and strike oil." - JP Getty, founder Getty Oil Company.
9. "Too many people spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't want, to impress people that they don't like." - Will Rogers, actor and social commentator.
10. "Never spend your money before you have it." - Thomas JeffersonAmerican Founding Father.
11. "Rule No. 1: Never lose money. Rule No. 2: Never forget rule No.1." - Warren Buffett, business magnate, investor and philanthropist.
12. "Money is multiplied in practical value depending on the number of W's you control in your life: what you do, when you do it, where you do it, and with whom you do it." - Timothy Ferriss, author of The 4-Hour Workweek.
13. "Don't let money run your life, let money help you run your life better." - John Rampton, CEO of Due.
14. "Beware of small expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship." - Benjamin Franklin, inventor and diplomat.

15. "If money is your hope for independence you will never have it. The only real security that a man can have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability." - Henry Ford, Founder Ford Motor Company

16. "Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort." - President Franklin D. Roosevelt
17. "Everyone wants to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down." - Oprah Winfrey, Media Proprietor
18. "A wise person should have money in their head, but not in their heart." - Jonathan Swift, Author of Gulliver's Travels
19. "It's good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it's good, too, to check up once in a while and make sure that you haven't lost the things that money can't buy." - George Horace Lorimer, journalist and author.
20. "People are chasing cash, not happiness. When you chase money, you’re going to lose. You’re just going to. Even if you get the money, you’re not going to be happy." - Gary Vaynerchuk, founder VaynerMedia.
21. "Money, like emotions, is something you must control to keep your life on the right track." - Natasha Munson, author, inspirational speaker and CEO of Be Magic, Inc.
22. "For a successful entrepreneur it can mean extreme wealth. But with extreme wealth comes extreme responsibility. And the responsibility for me is to invest in creating new businesses, create jobs, employ people, and to put money aside to tackle issues where we can make a difference." - Richard Branson, founder Virgin Group
23. "Don't think money does everything or you are going to end up doing everything for money." - VoltaireAge of Enlightenment leader
24. "Before you speak, listen. Before you write, think. Before you spend, earn. Before you invest, investigate. Before you criticize, wait. Before you pray, forgive. Before you quit, try. Before you retire, save. Before you die, give." - William Arthur Ward, author of Fountains of Faith.
25. "There are people who have money, and there are people who are rich." - Coco Chanel, fashion designer.

Monday, July 27, 2015

The 4 Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read This Year

The 4 Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read This Year

As an entrepreneur, I’ve made it a point to use all resources available to me to make sure I’m running my company to the best of my ability and considering all perspectives. Of course, this includes talking with my mentors and teammates, as well as getting consistent feedback from my customers. What I’ve also found extremely valuable is taking the time (which I know is hard to find) to sit down and read.
Everyone knows reading is an important source of knowledge, but I don’t think people understand how much you can actually learn by hitting the pause button, sitting down and picking up a book. Here are the top four books I think every CEO should read this year, and why each of them has had a strong impact on my skills as an entrepreneur and leader.
Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decision by Dan Ariely
As CEO, I’m responsible for overseeing every aspect of the business and juggling many different moving parts. With that, of course comes the responsibility of interacting with many different types of people with varying personalities. I’ve found it beneficial as I run my company to understand the psychology behind how different people think, and why they behave the way they do.
In his book Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decision, MIT professor Ariely discusses why humans behave irrationally and how, though it seems backwards, to predict when they’ll do so. The phrase, “there’s a method to the madness,” rings true: There’s always a reason why someone behaves the way they do and knowing that makes running a company much easier.

The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers by Ben Horowitz

It’s important to pay attention to the perspective of entrepreneurs and investors of varying levels of experience. Ben Horowitz has been doing this forever and knows the ins and outs of business unlike most. Combined with the fresh perspectives of newer entrepreneurs, Horowitz’s viewpoints have been the backbone of my values as a startup CEO. Not only was his book The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers an important and valuable read, but his blog also offers timely, fresh and current advice that’s extremely useful to check out on a daily basis.

Confidence: How Winning and Losing Streaks Begin and End by Rosabeth Moss Kanter

My team and I moved across the world to start our business in Boston. That decision, alone, proved that we have a lot of confidence in our product, ourselves and each other. In her book Confidence: How Winning and Losing Streaks Begin and End, Kanter explains that successes and failures are actually self-fulfilling prophecies, and if you have the confidence that you will succeed, it’s more likely that you actually will.
Using the example of professional sports players rallying together and envisioning a big win, Kanter illustrates that positive thinking is a powerful tool. This mindset has rung true for me in the early years of my business. Like a series-winning sports team, we have never second guessed ourselves and our company, which has resulted in an upward trajectory of success.

Zero to One by Peter Thiel

I haven’t been doing this as long as many others, but one thing I’ve already learned and understand is that you’re not going to be a successful entrepreneur unless you find something people need that doesn’t already exist, and then go after creating that service or product with an intensely creative spirit. In Zero to One, Thiel explains that many people fail because they try to compete against other companies that are already doing a decent job at what they do. When your business enters the market, it has to be even better than what already exists, which is a tough way to start out. In this book, you’ll learn about the power of uniqueness and originality, and how to change your mindset when it comes to thinking about innovation.
These books, of course, are not the only ones a budding entrepreneur should get their hands on, but for me, they have been the building blocks to a lifelong commitment to reading. You can never know too much or consider too many other people’s perspectives. Every day is a day to learn.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

10 High-Paying Jobs As an Alternative Means of Income

Trying to make some extra cash? Have free time you don't know what to do with? Trying to develop or hone a new skill? You should consider getting a side job.
Brie Reynolds, the director of online content for FlexJobs, an online service specializing in telecommuting and remote work, says "side jobs" are defined as anything part-time, including freelance, temporary, short- or long-term, work-from-home, or in-person flexible gigs.
To qualify for the list, each job had to be considered flexible (and not full time), and had to pay at least double the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour.
Here's FlexJobs' list of 10 high-paying side jobs you might want to consider:

1. Sign language interpreter

Pay: $36.50 an hour
Type of flexibility: Part-time
Description: For those with sign language skills and an Interpreter's License (which are usually state-sponsored), part-time and freelance contracts are often available. Depending on the employer, you'll help different populations with hearing impairments communicate with interpretation.

2. Software developer

Pay: Up to $30 an hour
Type of flexibility: flexible schedule, part-time hours, telecommuting
Description: Software development jobs are one of the most in-demand positions available today, and many offer part-time and project-based work. Depending on the gig, you might be updating existing websites, creating new templates, helping to develop new websites and apps, and other related tasks.    

3. Online communications associate

Pay: Up to $25 an hour
Type of flexibility: Telecommute, part-time
Description: Online community management positions are a growing area for part-time work. Responsibilities typically include updating web content, managing social media, providing system administration, writing content, and creating reports.

4. Merchandise coordinator

Pay: $21 an hour
Type of flexibility: temporary, freelance, short-term
Description: A small amount of previous merchandising experience is needed for these types of jobs, where you'll support a merchandising team by maintaining and updating information such as reports, samples, and updates from other teams.

5. Bilingual legal assistant

Pay: Up to $21 an hour
Type of flexibility: freelance, short-term
Description: For someone with multilingual skills and previous legal experience, bilingual legal assistant jobs are often project or temporary jobs where you'll help an organization with a specific case or issue, reviewing legal documents using your language skills.

6. Freelance product photographer

Pay: Up to $20 an hour
Type of flexibility: temporary, part-time, freelance
Description: Make no mistake — photography side jobs require someone who is highly skilled in photography and related software use for editing and retouching photos. Previous photography experience is almost always required, and graphic design and Photoshop experience is a plus.

7. Bookkeeper

Pay: Up to $19 an hour
Type of flexibility: temporary, flexible schedule, potential for very part-time hours
Description: Plenty of part-time bookkeeping jobs exist, for both small and large companies. The responsibilities typically usually include using QuickBooks to do reconciliation, accounts payable, accounts receivable, etc. — so at least some experience (and relevant skills) are required.

8. Copy editor/writer

Pay: Up to $17 an hour
Type of flexibility: temporary, part-time, telecommute
Description: Copy editors and writers can be responsible for the writing, execution, and proofreading of materials across digital and print platforms. Depending on the employer, they may write and edit for marketing materials, editorial content, social media, and other types of material. 

9. Temporary transcript processor

Pay: $15 an hour
Type of flexibility: part-time, temporary
Description: Data entry jobs like transcript processing are a great side job for people who love to work independently, have solid attention to detail, and enjoy the unique challenges of data entry. From a variety of sources, data entry specialists are needed to input data into the correct corresponding fields quickly and accurately, and working well under pressure is a must.

10. City guide writer

Pay: $50-$100/project
Type of flexibility: freelance, telecommute
Description: Travel and tourism businesses, as well as real estate companies, often hire writers to write city and/or neighborhood guides with information about population size, shopping, recreation, culture, entertainment, thing to do, climate, transit, and more.

How to Know If The E-mail You Sent Has Been Read

Sometimes when we send emails to our friends or clients and did not get any response from them we keep wondering if they ever got to read the message we sent to them or if the message was actually delivered to their inbox. I don’t know about you but personally I would be pleased to know the recipient actually got my message, read it and maybe for some reasons decided not to reply, that way I will know it’s not a fault from my end that caused it.

email provider services

There is an email tracking tool called SPYPIG but I don’t know if that tool is still available now. SpyPig is an email tracking system that sends you a notification by email when a recipient opens and read your message. This tool works with all the major email providers like Gmail, Yahoo, HotMail, Outlook, AOL and many more. I don’t think that tool is available for use anymore, am not sure but don’t worry I have a better alternative for you.

Top 5 Antivirus Softwares for Windows 8 Operating System - See more at:
Top 5 Antivirus Softwares for Windows 8 Operating System - See more at:
Top 5 Antivirus Softwares for Windows 8 Operating System - See more at:
Top 5 Antivirus Softwares for Windows 8 Operating System - See more at:
Top 5 Antivirus Softwares for Windows 8 Operating System - See more at:
Top 5 Antivirus Softwares for Windows 8 Operating System - See more at:
Top 5 Antivirus Softwares for Windows 8 Operating System - See more at:

Tools That Notifies You When Your Email Gets Read 

Below are some alternatives to SpyPig that you can use to get notification when a recipient read your message. is a free tool for email tracking and marketing service that tracks your sent emails and tells you when your sent mail was open and read. This means that you will get confirmation from the tools when the recipient reads your email.

GetNotify is free to use but you can make donations to their service and you will be rewarded with additional features. They will only allow you when you are using their free account to send only 5 emails per day (150 emails per month)

5 Easy Ways to Prevent Files or Data Loss on Your Computer - See more at:
Lastly your recipient don’t get to know that you sent them a tracked email and you will also be allowed to use your existing email address and existing email service provider. – Free email tracking tool is a similar service to GetNotify that you can use to send invisibly tracked emails without alerting the recipient. This service tells you when exactly your message or email was opened, how long it remained opened and also the geographical location the email was viewed from by the recipient.

There are many more similar service to the above service but I am recommending this two to you because they are the ones I have used and enjoyed using their service. You should try any of them and start tracking your sent emails.

Over to you now, have you used any of the above service or do you have any better service you would like to recommend to us?